
Alt Text: Definition, Impact on SEO and How to Implement

In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), alt text is the descriptive text included in the “alt” attribute of an image tag in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). 

Its purpose is to provide information to search engines about the content or function of the image while improving accessibility for users with visual impairments who rely on screen readers. As such, alt text plays a crucial role in both SEO and web accessibility. 

In this GetFound article, we’ll go through the basics of alt text, such as what alt text is, its role in SEO, and its benefits, among other things.

Understanding Alt Text and Its Functions

As was explained before, alt text is a brief description embedded in the “alt” attribute of an HTML image tag. Its primary function is to serve as a text alternative when an image fails to load on a webpage, allowing users to grasp the conveyed content through text. It also helps search engines interpret the content of an image, aiding in indexing and content relevance.

The Role of Alt Text in SEO

Alt text is not only important for accessibility but also serves as a valuable SEO strategy. Search engines like Google and Bing cannot see images as humans do. Instead, they rely on alt text to understand the context and relevance of images within content. 

Here are some ways alt text can affect SEO:

1. Image Indexing

The presence of alt text helps search engines index your images in Google Images, potentially driving additional organic traffic to your site.

2. Enhanced Content Relevance

Images that align with the keywords used on a webpage contribute to overall content relevance, boosting search rankings.

3. Improved User Experience

Alt text supports users who rely on screen readers or have slow internet connections, ensuring they understand the image content and enhancing overall user experience.

Key Benefits of Alt Text

Using alt text provides several advantages for SEO and accessibility:

1. Accessibility Enhancement

Alt text allows visually impaired users to understand images in the context of a webpage via assistive technologies like screen readers.

2. SEO Improvement

Optimized alt text with relevant keywords enhances a webpage’s relevance and search visibility.

3. Consistent User Experience

When images fail to load due to network or technical issues, alt text ensures users still receive contextual information.

4. Increased Traffic from Google Images

Indexed images in Google Images can attract new visitors to your site via image searches.

Also Read: How Often Should You Blog to Improve SEO?


Common Alt Text Mistakes to Avoid

Despite its benefits, improper use of alt text is detrimental to its effectiveness:

1. Ignoring Alt Text

Not including alt text for important images leaves search engines without context.

2. Keyword Stuffing

Overloading alt text with keywords can harm SEO, as search engines may flag it as spam.

3. Irrelevant Descriptions

Using alt text unrelated to the image’s content can negatively impact both SEO and user experience.

Tips for Writing Effective Alt Text

To optimize your alt text for SEO and usability:

1. Be Concise and Clear

Use short, descriptive phrases (5–10 words) that clearly describe the image.

2. Use Keywords Wisely

Incorporate primary keywords if they fit naturally, but avoid overuse.

3. Focus on the Image Content

Alt text should specifically describe the image, not the entire page’s content.

On Functional and Decorative Images

The use of alt text is essential for functional images, where it should describe the action or purpose, such as ‘Search’ for a magnifying glass icon. For purely decorative images, use empty alt attributes to avoid unnecessary distractions for screen readers.

Regularly Review and Update Alt Text

As your content keeps evolving, ensure your alt text remains accurate and relevant. Periodic reviews help maintain consistency, improve SEO, and ensure accessibility standards are met.

Understand and Implement Alt Text Correctly! Ask GetFound for More Guidance!

Alt text is an integral component of SEO and web accessibility strategies. By providing accurate and relevant descriptions for images, you not only help search engines better understand visual content but also enhance user experience. 

Well-crafted alt text increases your chances of appearing in search results, particularly in image searches, while offering improved accessibility for users with special needs.

If you require other help regarding SEO or digital marketing in general, just ask GetFound! We can help you grow your business efficiently.

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